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Writer's pictureMario Holder


To trust your gut or not trust your gut? Thats the question.

I'm more of a trust your gut kind of guy, and it isn’t to say that when you do you will always make the right choice

but in all choices that we make we get to learn.

A lot of people have this weird idea that its either the gut or the brain and it somehow can’t be both, that because we have these prehistoric instincts that they can’t work together with our higher brain.

So when i say to trust your gut, I’m not saying that your gut will always be right but it will always guide you on what you need to learn, guaranteed that you are open to learning.

i know what i know not because i read any book or blindly follow any instructions from anyone but because i went forward failed and learnt from my own experience on what doesn’t work for me.

This is the main reason why self discovery is such a person journey, because we are all

unique individuals and what may work for me may or may not work for you.

This is what it means to follow your dharma, your dharma is the things that calls to you and if you can follow it in ways that are harmless to yourself and other people, then who am I or anyone or anything to tell you it is wrong.

Art for me is bringing whats on the inside, (the subjective inner world) and bringing it out into the outer world( the objective physical manifestations). Sometimes what is in us is not always pretty or innocent and this is where healthy expression needs to come out.

Trusting that nature within each of us will lead us to ourselves not because it is always holy, but because through expression only then do wounds seem to begin to heal.

if you have anger, hate , jealous thoughts, know that they are all teachers waiting to be expressed and as you process them ( this is from personal experience of course) often what happen is a clearing, a new space with in us to create something more beautiful.

Three steps to trusting your gut.

  1. If you have a feeling something is off, step back and examine not just the environment but also your past.

  2. Let it be known, by yourself or a trusted individual. Through witnessing our feelings , through artistic expression we learn to remove our blocks.

  3. When the coast is clear, shift from defensiveness to curiosity. These are the two inherent qualities of the mind.

check out some of my latest works by clicking the button bellow.

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