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Writer's pictureMario Holder


There seems to be nothing more unhealthy than living a life that is not align with your soul. This is something that is often hard for us to hear and cope with but after all the seven years i spent being a little obsessed with find the right lifestyle for optimal health, Ive somewhat come to this conclusion - when we don’t deal with or look at our emotional history, the things that we try to fix with pills and potions just don’t get to the root of our impediments.

physiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung Would say in order to treat someones illness you must first become aware of their secret story, the one that drives all of their actions.

Part of my story as a black man from the Caribbean with a funny walk and a slim built, I’ve almost always felt insecure both physically and mentally in this body of mine.

This insecurity for good reason possessed me to go to extremes that was just not right for my unique biology and past- i was literally perpetuating my pain and dis ease because of my ill inform ideas about what it meant to be strong and how to progress in that strength .

Now don’t get me wrong, i still love moving my body but in ways that are healthy as oppose of ways that doesn’t allow you to be full functional in the other areas of our lives.

killing yourself in the gym because of your feelings of unworthiness, is in most cases an emotional response to trauma, its a usual indicator that there is something with in you that may not want to yet look at.

these issues can take you away from living because we tell ourselves the story that we will not allow ourselves to feel whole until we meet this goal and that same story then starts to come in between that very things that we say we want.

the garden became my gym because it was just the right movement i needed that also allowed me to pair doing something that i love and also doing something that keeps me fit.

Where is your gym outside the gym? i guess thats a good question that we can all ask ourselves. because if your practices are taking away from being with love ones or making you not have enough energy for other areas in your life, then you might have an emotional addiction. there are other places outside the standard understanding of working out that counts as exercise and for me the garden is becoming more of that place.

Thank you if you've made it this far in my blog, Im doing my best to be more consistent in this new practice that Im taking on, if this was helpful in any shape or form to you, let me know and feel free to ask me any questions, i would be happy to hear your feedback.

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