To hustle literally means to force ( someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction. for those on a journey towards health and healing may have full well experience the opposite in todays social and financial climate. Healing often takes time.
so the question stands, how do we live a unhurried life and still live well and in a way that is not destructive towards our body, mind and soul.
it took a lot of effort to convince my body to slow down especially in society that are looking at places like America for a model on how we should conduct business and balancing working and living. Where being tired all the time is almost always expected and where struggling is the norm.
What if we dont have to fight all the time in order to "make it"? is there a way where we can re imaging a way of being that is harmonious with health and wellness?
Heres a few things that ive observe that may be factors in this unhealthy hustle culture.
We all have a prideful self that has this deep biological desire to prove that we are worthy members of society, This urge is a deep survival mechanism that seems to help others around us to recognize that we are worthy members of the tribe and that we have something useful to offer. we can tie our self worth to our looks, our financial status and even our educational certifications . Our environment can tell us we will only be worthy of love when we lose 10 lbs or when we get this degree or when we reach our financial goal and while theses thing may be important, tying these material things to our self worth will almost always keep you from experiencing love, especial from the love that we have for ourselves.
this false belief keeps our bodies in hustling mode.
We can still have a full and meaningful life , while taking our time.