As far as my eyes can see, we are always creating or co creating with our environment, we put an intention out into the world and it reflects itself back to us, now of course this takes skill and practice but the more we learn about ourselves and our desires the more articulate we can become in creating the life we want.
the boring answer is to just create, but often what stops us our own mental blocks that although were once created to protect us can sometimes back fire and stop us from achieving the life we deserve.
The mental blocks are many and its usually steeped in ideas about self worth and identity.
" I am this way, therefore i cant obtain this thing"
i had a lot of identities that had a lot of baggage attached to them that kept me pigeon hold from my own destiny.
Do you know whats funny though, these identities if i tie myself to close to them, they become very justifiable. i become right and now being a creator of realities i could create my own version of hell.
where i am a victim and begging for someone to save me.
if this theory of my holds true, then what are you creating for yourself and how is the environment reflecting itself as truth.?